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Golf Squad (Gr 6-8)

Youth Enrichment / Sports -
Youth Enrichment 24-25

Golf Squad for middle school students offers a more progressive level of professional instruction and classes focus more on content of handbooks, one-on-one technical aspects, and on developing more mature group social skills to enhance play. Golf Squad is offered during your school’s Fall/Spring Semesters. It is a six to twelve week, after school club that meets once a week for an hour with a golf industry professional. All participating families receive weekly emails detailing what students will be doing and learning in class. All essentials are provided during class (Golf Squad Handbook, training equipment, fitted golf clubs, etc.).   Each student receives a Golf Squad Handbook and Golf Squad visor to keep.   Simply register, show up and build the foundation to enjoy golf for a lifetime.

  • ALL classes are only taught by Golf Professionals in your area.
  • We use cushioned hitting mats and limited flight cork balls that have been approved for schools.
  • We provide EVERYTHING the students will require to successfully complete the program.

  Golf Squad

Locations, Dates, and Times TBD